Construction compliance monitoring

Construction compliance monitoring (technical supervision) at the construction stage forms a basis for further efficient and accident-free facility operation. The sooner a customer calls for SGP company to be engaged in works execution, the more costs are saved. Clients of the company cam be assured that all subcontractor defects will be detected at the construction stage instead of the stage of facility operation where defects correction shall entail significant financial losses. For the benefit of its clients SGP company executes a package of actions in civil works monitoring at construction of mining facilities, oil and gas industrial facilities, civil and industrial facilities for compliance with design documentation and standard technical regulations.


The service package in construction compliance monitoring includes:



Construction compliance monitoring allows to:


By each facility visiting results SGP company provides a detailed technical report to the client, based on which the customer receives comprehensive information on detected violations committed by contractors; photo materials bearing evidence of defects and illustrating the course of civil works execution; work performance schedule with actual deviations.


By virtue of experience accumulated, modern equipment and top ranking experts the company consistently accommodates the customers with high level of works execution.

